In order to obtain super-resolved images, STED nanoscopy uses a laser tuned at the red tail of the emission spectrum of the fluorophore to deplete the excited state by stimulated emission. Since the stimulated emission cross-section follows practically the same dependency with wavelength as the emission, this configuration involves very small cross-sections and therefore high levels of irradiance.
In our recent publication in the Journal of Physics D, we show that STED nanoscopy is also feasible using wavelengths at the emission maximum, which reduces considerably the light dose required for super-resolution and extends the universe of fluorophores suitable for STED.
This work is part of our collaboration with the group of Prof. Stefan W. Hell, within the framework of a Max-Planck Partner Group
Journal of Physics D 49 (2016) 365102
“STED nanoscopy with wavelengths at the emission maximum”
Martín D Bordenave, Francisco Balzarotti, Fernando D Stefani, and Stefan W Hell