Today, Martin Diego Bordenave defended his PhD thesis “Mediciones con resolución nanométrica mediante depleción por emisión estimulada” at the Physics Department of the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, University of Buenos Aires, obtaining the highest honors.


In his thesis, Martín built and applied two STED nanoscopes:

– firstly, he built a multicolor STED nanoscope in the labs of Prof. Stefan Hell at the MPI-bpc (Göttingen) using acousto-optical tunable filters. With this nanoscope he investigated new spectral configurations for STED nanoscopy, namely the use of depletion wavelengths at the emission maximum of the fluorescent labels. In this way, Martin showed that super-resolved images can be obtained using considerably lower laser powers for depletion.

– Secondly, Martín built a pulsed, two-color STED nanoscope at CIBION. This one was the first STED nanoscope of Argentina (and to our knowledge of Latin America). With this nanoscope Martín provided new insight into two biological questions: i)the nanoscale distribution of proteins on the outer membrane of Trypanosoma cruzi, and ii) structural details of the neuronal cytoskeleton during neuronal development and polarization.

The doctoral thesis of Martín Diego Bordenave is an outstanding contribution to the implementation of fluorescence nanoscopies in Argentina.

Congratulations Martín!