Optical printing is a wonderful tool to capture colloidal nanoparticles from suspension and place them on specific positions of a substrate. Still, the mechanistic details of the processes involved are complex and not fully understood.

In our recent publication in ACS Nano, we provide new insight into the mechanism of optical printing colloidal nanoparticles and the achievable precision. We identify the key experimental parameters and quantify their influence on precision. This new knowledge will enable us to design better printing strategies.


For this work, we counted with the collaboration of the group of Prof. Pavel Zemánek, from Institute of Scientific Instruments of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Brno, Czech Republic), who helped with theoretical calculations.


ACS Nano 11 (2017) 9678–9688

“Accuracy and Mechanistic Details of Optical Printing of Single Au and Ag Nanoparticles”

Julián Gargiulo, Ianina L. Violi, Santiago Cerrota, Lukáš Chvátal, Emiliano Cortés, Eduardo M. Perassi, Fernando Diaz, Pavel Zemánek, Fernando D. Stefani