The Argentine Physics Association (AFA) has elected the thesis of Julián Gargiulo as the best doctoral thesis on Experimental Physics of Argentina for the period 2016-2017.

Every year, the AFA awards the Juan José Giambiagi Prize to the best doctoral thesis on Physics carried out in Argentina. Alternately, one year the Prize goes to a theoretical thesis, the next year goes to an experimental one. The Prize of Julián was announced during the 103th AFA Annual Meeting held in Buenos Aires from 17 to 21 of September.

Julián carried out his PhD work in our group from 2012 until 2017. Currently, he is a postdoc in the group of Prof. Stefan Maier (Imperial College London, on the move to the LMU Munich).


Congratulations Juli! We are very proud!

Julian Gargiulo – PhD thesis – “Optical printing of metallic nanoparticles”