Luciano Masullo has been awarded with the Juan José Giambiagi award of the Argentine Physics Association (AFA) for the best doctoral thesis on experimental Physics for the period 2020-2021.

Luciano joined our group in 2014, for his graduation thesis. At that time he worked closely with Dr. Fede Barabas, learning SMLM and developing the Python based control software Tormenta. After that, Lucho decided to join our group for a Ph.D. He did a great learning curve and carried out wonderful research, where the development of pulsed interleaved MINFLUX and RASTMIN outstand. His doctoral thesis also included a research stay in the lab of Prof. Ilaria Testa in Stockholm, and a research visit to the lab of Prof. Tinnefeld in Munich.


 Congratulations Lucho!!!


Download the thesis, which is both in English and Spanish:


Luciano Masullo, Ph.D. thesis, “Photon-efficient fluorescence nanoscopy by scanning light intensity minima”

Spanish title: “Nanoscopía de fluorescencia con uso eficiente de fotones mediante el escaneo de mínimos de intensidad de luz”