We are excited to be among the international grantees of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative for the program @napari_imaging

This project is an international collaboration with our former member Dr. Luciano Masullo, now at the MPI for Biochemistry, Munich) and Prof. Andrea Bassi from the Politecnico di Milano. 

We will produce a plugin to simulate the optical fields in the focus of a microscope under realistic experimental conditions. This information is key for many microscopy, spectroscopy, and super resolution applications. It enables predicting the image quality of a fluorescence microscope, performing convolution tests and deconvolutions, or predicting/understanding the excitation of single fluorescent molecules.

This project will improve the napari-psf-simulator plugin by extending the current scalar calculation to perform fully vectorial field calculations representing realistic conditions, such as polarized light, misalignments, aberrations, high numerical aperture, and sample structure.

The new plugin should be ready for October 2023.

Many thanks to the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative @cziscience for the support.