Our lab leads the Federal Network for Super-resolution Microscopy (Red Federal de Microscopía de Super-Resolución) whose main objective is to disseminate super-resolution methods throughout Argentina, comprising hardware, software and “brainware”, i.e. teaching and training. Within this program, we organized the first training workshop on super-resolution microscopy (Taller de Formación en Microscopía de Super-Resolución – FOMISUR).
The workshop was a great success, with over 50 participants from 8 different provinces in Argentina and even some attendees from Uruguay.

The workshop included basic lectures on super-resolution, hands-on practices in the lab, data analysis tutorials, scientific talks on the latest developments, and discussion of proposal made by the participants to apply super-resolution in their research.
It was a lot of fun and we aim to make a second edition in 2025!
More info an pictures in the workshop site: https://stefani-lab.ar/fomisur-2024/