We are very happy to welcome the new group members (from left to right):
Germán Chiarelli, PhD candidate, will investigate novel combinations of technologies to obtain fluorescence nanoscopy with sub-10 nm resolution in the three dimensions.
Dr. Alan Szalai will focus on deciphering details of neuronal polarity using fluorescence nanoscopy imaging, in collaboration with the group of Dr. Alfredo Cáceres (INIMEC, Córdoba).
Luciana Martinez, PhD candidate, will address different aspects of plasmon assisted chemistry on immobilized nanoparticles using our platform for optical printing.
Dr. Lucía Lopez will work on fluorescence nanoscopy simulations and experiments. In particular, she will develop new implementations of MINFLUX.
Dr. Mariano Barella will carry out new experiments to investigate thermophoresis and thermo-osmosis at the nanoscale, phenomena that are not fully understood and of key relevance for nanofabrication using colloidal nanoparticles.
Good luck to all!