Dr. Luciano (Lucho) Masullo and Dr. Alan Szalai leave the group after several years of very productive work.

Goodbye beer – 24.09.2021


Lucho joined our group in 2014 as an undergraduate student, and stayed with us for almost 7 years! During that time, he worked on STORM, developed pulsed-interleaved MINLFUX and RASTMIN. Next, he will go for a postdoc at the group of Prof. Dr. Ralf Jungmann at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry in Munich.

Lucho handing over his Ph.D. thesis to Florencia Choque and Cecilia Zaza


Alan joined our group as a postdoc in 2018. He has contributed to numerous projects of super-resolution imaging, where the development of SIMPLER 3D TIRF SMLM and  STED-FRET outstand. Alan was awarded a Humboldt Fellowship for a postdoc stay at the group of Prof. Dr. Philip Tinnefeld at the LMU Munich.

Lucho and Alan already in Munich, ready to face new adventures 🙂


Best of luck to both in Munich!