Lecture at University of Göttingen hosted by Prof. Joerg Enderlein
Prof. Stefani was invited by Prof. Joerg Enderlein to a give a coloquium [...]
Tutorial for the optimization and characterization of toroidal foci for super-resolution fluorescence microscopy
Several super-resolution methods make use of toroidal foci, i.e. light foci with a central [...]
Lecture and visit to Prof. Romain Quidant and Prof. Lukas Novotny at ETH
Prof. Stefani was invited to the ETH Zurich to give a lecture to [...]
Arrays of gold nanostars by optical printing
Obtaining arrays of single nanoparticles with three-dimensional complex shapes is of interest for many [...]
Visit of Prof. Joerg Enderlein
We received Prof. Joerg Enderlein from the University of Goettingen at CIBION to [...]
Participation in the 11th Weber Symposium
Ph.D. candidate Florencia Choque and Prof. Stefani participated in the 11th International Weber [...]
Our homage to the football world champions 🙂
To honour the effort and great performance of our football national team, Luciana [...]
Thank you Pedro!
Friends, students, colleagues and collaborators of Pedro Aramendía got together at the Faculty [...]
CIBION bbq 2022
Nothing else to say... like every year we had our yearly get together of [...]
Talk by Luciana Martínez at JOBION 2022
Ph. D. candidate Luciana Martínez gave a talk at the 4th edition of JOBION [...]
Nanometer Resolution Imaging and Tracking of Single Fluorophores by Sequential Structured Illumination
Localization of single fluorescent emitters is central for many physicochemical and biophysical measurements [...]
Presentations a the annual meeting of the Argentine Society of Biophysics (SAB 2022)
This year, the annual meeting of the SAB was held in Rosario. CIBION [...]